Human Performance Improvement, Stop Dreaming Start Desiring!

By: Gabriela Schaar Ford, EdD
Guest Columnists

Words like “productivity,” “quality,” “efficiency,” “effectiveness,” and “maximum performance” are glorified and make us believe that the Universe has the responsibility to provide. Yet, wishing will not become riches; rather adopting habits towards the method by which desire for riches works, will transform wishful thinkers into developing their own human performance improvement.

Any reasonably motivated person, regardless of job, organization, or industry, would benefit to practice the DESIRE method by implementing these actions.

  1. Fix your mindset to desire specific and exact goals you want to achieve. Answer the Why do I want ‘X’? What exactly do I want?
  2. Determine exactly what are you willing to give in return for what you truly desire. There’s no such reality as “something for nothing.”
  3. Mark your calendar when you intend to achieve your goal. Be accountable.
  4. Create a plan to prioritize, implement, and measure results.
  5. Develop a precise financial strategy and/or a reasonable time management strategy.
  6. Read your written statement aloud, before falling asleep at night and before getting up in the morning. This is when your subconscious mind is more alert. Read it with a burning desire as all is happening in the present time.
  7. Practice daily physical activities and keep a healthy diet.

These habits have been proven to acquire riches and performance by well-known leaders like Andrew Carnegie, Thomas Edison, and Henry Ford to mention a few. “A burning DESIRE to be or to do is the starting point where the dreamer must take off.”