Por Jesika Millano
PALM BAY — Daniel Martínez doesn’t think about making easy money. He is an attorney who accepts cases he knows will not be as financially rewarding as some other colleagues would have it. Part of his time and salary are dedicated to noble causes.
As a part of a group of everyday citizens who help others without the need of a name tag, Martínez joins the efforts of initiatives that selflessly aim at helping those who appreciate them more than words can describe.
Identifying his passion for helping others was a result of working in one of the biggest law firms in Orlando and seeing the harsh reality that hundreds of Latinos faced because of a lack of financial resources to pay for legal assistance.
During his childhood, he experienced his first instances at helping others. Though he was born in the U.S., his Uruguayan roots allowed him to learn fluent Spanish and use it to help those who have trouble expressing themselves in English. “I felt I was being the voice of many”, he said.
Another factor in choosing the path to helping others was having studied a career he was not passionate about. “After high school, I studied Business in Orlando. I finished my studies and began working in finance, soon to find that it was not my niche. It was in that moment I decided to study law, a career that would allow me to defend those who need it”, he told.
From his practice covering criminal, divorce, and underage cases, Martínez affirms he has been deeply invested in his labor. “I rather take less pay before allowing someone leave my office. I always help in any way I can. I’m flexible in that sense”, he said.
Through sports, this attorney is currently focusing his efforts to offer alternatives and better quality of life to those who are under the risk of social exclusion or behavioral issues.
With the help of RU Camp’s, headed by Rubén Saldaña, Daniel Martínez chips in by providing training sessions and snacks for the children and youth who are a part of this foundation.
RU Camp’s was founded two years ago by Rubén Saldaña, who served time in prison due to his own experience in gang organizations. As a result of that experience, he decided to contribute towards a better society by targeting the juvenile population.
Rubén Saldaña’s coaching labor of love through sports like boxing and jiu jitsu have allowed more than 100 children in Orlando to be rehabilitated from vice, gangs, and other social issues.
His wife, Aldra Saldaña, also helps with the organization and points out that the objective is to give the kids themselves a chance to change just as her husband Rubén did after a particularly tough situation.
“We started out two years ago with four kids and now we have more than 100. They have all been rehabilitated despite the rough lives they’ve lived. They are taking positive steps”, emphasized Rubén Saldaña, a New York native with Puerto Rican and Italian roots.
RU Camp’s offers free sports training seven days a week. “The kids get their snacks after practice thanks to the support of other organizations and people like Attorney Daniel Martínez”, Saldaña mentioned.
With sporting events, RU Camp’s provides recreational solutions to the community that forms part of this organization.
For more information, call Martinez Law Office at 321-419-8666.